Party Competition and Election Violence in Constituencies (with Ursula E. Daxecker)
The paper focuses on Zimbabwe and India to examine the impact of competition at the constituency-level on election violence, as well as the role of political parties in organizing and executing violent actions.
Support for Bans on Religious Symbols among Politicians (with Colin Scott)
The study explores the determinants that account for politicians supporting, or not, bans that prevent public servants from wearing religious symbols.
Geographical Proximity to Mosques and Electoral Behaviour in Switzerland (with Alessandro Nai, Timothy B. Gravelle, Beatrice Eugster, Chiara Valli & Céline Murri)
The paper investigates the impact of the presence of mosques within citizens’ milieu on their vote choice in national elections as well as in referendums on anti-Islam and anti-immigration measures.
Gender Politics
Explaining Support for Gender-Based Affirmative Action Policies among Politicians (with Colin Scott)
The study explores the determinants that account for politicians supporting, or not, of gender-based affirmative action policies.
Female Leaders, Gender Affinity, and Citizens’ Assessments of the Political System (with Ruth Dassonneville, Ian McAllister & Stephen Quinlan)
This cross-national study explores the impact of gender affinity between citizens and party leaders on citizen’s political behaviour.
Political Psychology
Personality Traits, Gender and Winning Elections (with Yanna Krupnikov, Patrik Öhberg & Colin Scott)
The study examines if male and female politicians have different personality traits, and if these traits impact electoral victory in a different manner.
Personality and the EU (with Patrik Öhberg)
The paper investigates if personality traits help explain the divide between citizens and elites on the issue of European integration.